My life changed abruptly, when my son died. Nothing made sense to me anymore. All the structures I had built my life on, crumbled. Like humpty dumpty, I couldn’t put myself back together again, quite the same way as before.
Something began to rise up, with a voice.
“Find what is true about your life, free your true self expression.”
I was drawn to the river,
I began to visit the river each day and listen for its voice.
“Let go of all you think you know, let me, the river, bring you what you need” The river became a way-shower, pointing me to this one true self, it required a new kind of listening.
I started painting, I started writing and I started listening to the silence within and without.
I created Meetings in the Flow as a way to invite others to come and open out a way for this imprisoned flow to find its outlet through their own natural expression.